Watch Bernie Mac Kings Of Comedy Online Free

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Bernie Mac was one of the greatest comedians of our time. Through his career, he managed to make us laugh time and time again with his brash humor and true to life stand up comedy. Though the biggest success for Bernie came from stand up comedy and subsequently television, in films, he had quite a few memorable roles and moments. The Original Kings of Comedy achieves the seemingly impossible task of capturing the rollicking and sly comedy routines of stand-up and sitcom vets Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, and Bernie Mac and the magic of experiencing a live concert show. Bernie Mac Cedric the Entertainer DL Hughley Steve Harvey this was one of the best original Kings of Comedy this had me laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes oh my God this is a must see comedy I give this movie a hundred and 10%. Start Your Free Trial. New subscribers only.Price will increase to $6.99/month on 10/8/21. The Bernie Mac Show. In an unsentimental sitcom based on his life, comedian Bernie Mac plays a stand-Up comic who, with his workaholic wife Wanda, takes in his sister's three kids while she's in rehab.

FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS – LALATE has the funeral arrangements for Bernie Mac that you can attend.The funeral will be Saturday, August 16th. The location of the Bernie Mac Funeral is the House of Hope church at 752 E. 114th St.. The venue holds 10,000 people.

Some of the details of how Bernie died are now coming out – but honestly, they are too sad to post. Here are what some celebrities are saying about Bernie Mac• Samuel L. Jackson “It goes without saying that Bernie was one of the preeminent comedians of our generation. He was also an attentive husband, a great father and loving grandfather. I feel blessed to have shared years of friendship with Bernie Mac, and I’m honored to have finally co-starred with him in what I consider to be his finest cinematic acting achievement. My sincere prayer is that his family will be comforted by the warmth of love from all of us who knew and respected this man.”

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• George Clooney: “The world just got a little less funny. He will be missed dearly.”

• Brad Pitt: “I lament the loss of a ferociously funny and hardcore family man. My thoughts are with Rhonda and their family. Bernie Mac, you are already missed.”

• Chris Rock: “Bernie Mac was one of the best and funniest comedians to ever live, but that was the second best thing he did. Bernie was one of the greatest friends a person could have. Losing him is like losing 12 people because he absolutely filled up any room he was in. I’m gonna miss the Mac Man.”

• Cedric the Entertainer: “It’s hard to put into words just how I feel and what a painful loss this is. Bernie was a brother, a friend and one of the comic masters of our time. Sharing the marquee with him during the phenomenon of the Kings of Comedy tour bonded us like family, and created a unique moment in comic history marking some of the most meaningful, memorable and fun times of our lives. His comedic approach was his own brand and will definitely stand the test of time. The level of his talent always inspired me and other comedians to ‘bring their A-game.’ I promise you that you never wanted to be the guy who had to follow Bernie’s set! As a husband and father, he was THE MAN and my thoughts and prayers are with his family. He will truly be missed, but so well remembered.”

And the great Carl Reiner:

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• Carl Reiner: “It’s a tremendous loss because of his age and the fact that he was such a vital, original human being. When I use the word ‘original’ I really mean it. He was like no other person I knew. He lived his life to the fullest, even when we were on the set of Ocean’s. He had his own little apartment and he cooked and invited people to lunch every day and he had food that was for everybody. He made very exotic things. His conversations were always different than any conversations I had with anyone else. They were very family-oriented; he talked about his wife and children with such love and it’s very hard to believe that he’s not with us anymore.”

LALATE will have complete coverage of the Bernie Mac Funeral for you.



ABOUT THIS AUTHOR || Editor in Chief: Maria Stabile | Maria in ten years has propelled LALATE to become a leading news authority in sports, entertainment, and national news, LALATE has been cited in countless international newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and LA Times), international television news broadcasts including ABC News, books including The Iraq War: Origins and Consequences, tv programs including MTV News, and magazines. For over a decade, LALATE has been a proud licensed member of the St Louis, MO Press Club. || TO CONTACT THIS AUTHOR | Email Address: | Telephone: 314-400-8010 | Follow on Twitter: | Biography: | LALATE Staff & Physical Address:

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'Oh, I know you all been talkin' about it. I know you all been at the barber shops and beauty salons. 'Girl, I'm goin' to see the kangs! Get all my shit done, I'm goin' to see the kangs!—not the 'Kings', the Kangs. Well goddammit, Charlotte, I got news for you: the Kangs is here.'
Watch bernie mac kings of comedy online, free

Youtube Bernie Mac Kings Of Comedy

The Original Kings of Comedy is a 2000 film directed by Spike Lee that shows comedians Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, and Bernie Mac performing in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Harvey hosts the show, entertaining the audience between his co-stars' routines, while the three others are all shown taking their turns at the mic. Topics of note that most/all of the comedians touch upon include include ethnic relations, the differences between blacks and whites, and family and married life, while other topics of note include Rae Carruth, the Titanic, impoverished life, African-Americans in sports, and kids. In between his costar's segments, Harvey plays old-school music while talking about the differences between Hip Hop and old school, berates an audience member who leaves during the show and forgets his coat, and talks about going to church while growing up.


Segments of the four performing are spliced with brief sections of video footage showing the comedians backstage, promoting the show on the radio, relaxing at the hotel, and just generally talking about themselves.


  • Air Guitar: In a deleted scene, Bernie Mac entertains the audience after he has broken his mic and is waiting for a new one by picking up the mic stand and pretending to play the bass guitar with it.
  • Badass Mustache: Steve Harvey and Cedric the Entertainer
  • Bullet Time: The one use of special effects during the movie is when Cedric the Entertainer leans back to imitate Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix, at which point the film slows down to simulate the effect.
  • Child Hater: Bernie Mac, who expresses many anti-children sentiments during his routine, including saying that he 'will fuck a kid up.'
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  • Cluster F-Bomb: The end of Bernie Mac's routine, where he recites a monologue that demonstrates the many and varied ways that one can use the word 'motherfucker'.
    'You seen that motherfuckin' Bobby? That motherfucker owes me 35 motherfuckin' dollars! He told me he gone pay my motherfuckin' money last motherfuckin' week. I aint seen this motherfucker yet! I'm not gonna chase this motherfucker for my 35 motherfuckin' dollars. I called the motherfucker four motherfuckin' times, but the motherfucker won't call me back. I called his momma the other motherfuckin' day; she gonna play like the motherfucker wasn't in. I started to cuss her motherfuckin' ass out, but I don't want no motherfuckin' trouble. But I'll tell ya one motherfuckin' thing: the next motherfuckin' time I see this motherfucker, and he ain't got my motherfuckin' money, I'm gonna bust his motherfuckin' head!' And I'm out of this motherfucker!
  • Comically Missing the Point: After berating Hip Hop performers for how much they demand of the audience ('Everybody pump it up, pump it up... everybody stand up, stand up; put your hands in the air, wave them like you just don't care...'), Harvey ends him impression of Hip Hop performers by shouting, 'Somebody scream!' Cue the audience screaming, after which Harvey puts his hands on his hips in disappointment.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Cedric The Entertainer's impersonation of a guy who overacts pulling out, lighting, and smoking a cigarette, and pantomiming driving a Deuce-and-a-quarter.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: The end of Bernie Mac's above-mentioned Cluster F-Bomb:
    The next motherfuckin' time I see this motherfucker, and he ain't got my motherfuckin' money, I'm gonna bust! His mother! Fuckin'! Head!
  • Worst Wedding Ever: Discussed in Cedric the Entertainer's set about how ghetto some weddings are: that the wedding starts late, the reverend hasn't been paid, bridesmaids and groomsmen don't match or even dress formally, the flower girl throws sunflower seeds instead of flowers, guests try to pick them up from the ground and eat them and the bride herself wears an inappropriate, too-showing dress and dances down the aisle to a rap song.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Bernie Mac claims he fits this trope, claiming to be willing to not only hit a child, but also to take a hammer 'and smack the fuck out of him.'

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